
I woke up to this dream

Call it a vision of an alternate reality

One in which we rewrite our myths

So they can save us from ourselves

Here is a story,

One in which no temples were razed to build mosques

And no mosques were demolished to build temples

In this story, our Hero Rama leaves his kingdom for a forest

And falls in love with it

So much so, that when he returns from his exile

He brings back seeds and a sapling

And plants them where he was born

Now, its a sacred forest

That witnesses civilizations rise and fall

Forest fires burn. Trees are felled. Drought scorches it

But the forest comes back to life again

This forest could have been Ram’s temple

One in which every cell of every tree breathes his name


About ashima

Ashima is the the author of 108 Blessings, Alchemy of the Mind, Body and Soul. She works in the Diversity and Inclusion space and offers coaching and 1:1 healing sessions.

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